We, ‘Square Toiletries Limited (STL)’ is committed to keep all the details of its visitors personal information safe which they provide when the use https://squaretoiletries.com/ website. We will not sell or share yours personal details with any third parties or partners without asking you or your approval. STL is determined to work towards increasing the nationwide awareness about our products. We may collect your phone number, email address, free delivery address etc but we will not use these data to any third party.
If you do not want to receive any email from us about the services or anything regarding any details then simply unsubscribe our offers.
We are committed to keeping all the details of its visitor’s personal information and your privacy is very important to us. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure we impose appropriate data collection and storage, and ensure security measures to protect your personal information.
The details of your personal information will be held securely according to our internal security policy and law. If you have any question regarding our services please email us info@squaretoiletries.com at or please call our 24/7 free care line no. 0800-0888-000.(Toll Free)